This article covers the following topics:
Chart Overview
The Chart is used to display data visually.
Chart Customization & Tools
At the top of the Chat is a header area with a text field for a title and buttons for options to customize the Chart in a specific view.
Chart Title
To add a title or label to the Chart, hover above the main table area and type in the text field.
Showing & Hiding Chart Data
To pin or unpin (i.e. to show or hide) data in a given Chart, select the node or component, and click on the button in the right side panel. When an element is pinned, the icon will have a gray background. When unpinned, the icon will have a white background. Unpinning (or hiding) elements in a given view does not delete any data.
Pinned State
Unpinned State
Note: In the unpinned state, the selected node will temporarily be visible in the chart. If a different node is selected or the selection is cleared, the data of the original node will no longer be visible in the chart.
Chart Filters
To apply filters to the data in the chart, hover above the main chart area in the upper right corner and click on the Filter button.
Chart Sorting & Grouping
To apply sorting and grouping to the data in the chart, hover above the main chart area in the upper right corner and click on the Sorting button.
To add sorting, click on the Sorting & Grouping button in the chart header. Click the "+" button to add a level. In the first drop-down, select the column to be sorted, as well as the order.
To add grouping and summary plots, select the checkbox for "Grouping", and then select the type of Summary plot. SUM adds up the values within each group, and NET takes the first grouping minus the second grouping.
Chart Settings
To access additional options in the Chart Settings for the current view, click on the gear icon in the top-right of the chart view pane.
The Chart Settings includes several options for customizing the chart in the current view.
Chart Type
The Chart Type determines the specific chart format. See Chart Types for an index of all chart options and specific settings.
Time frame
The Time frame settings include Start and End dates that determine the time range that is visible in the specific view. Adjusting the view time frame does not change or alter any data; it only includes or excludes data from being displayed. There is also an option to show the data in different time formats. When selecting aggregate time periods (such as Quarterly in a Monthly model), the chart uses the aggregation methods set within each node.
Chart Legend
There are several options for how the chart legend is displayed.
Legend Option | Display | Example |
Variable | The name of the variable is diplayed. | "Sales Headcount" |
Group | The name of the parent group is displayed. | "Headcount by Department" |
Variable (Group) | The name of the variable and parent group is displayed. | "Sales Headcount (Headcount by Department)" |
Scenario | The name of the primary or comparison scenario is displayed. | "Budget" |
Component | The name of the component is displayed. | "Employee" |
Chat Axis
Most chart types support multiple axes. To switch between the left and right axis, select the Axis drop-down for each specific element.
Chart Plot Color
To change the plot color, select the color picker icon to the right of each element.
Primary scenario
The Primary scenario determines the initial scenario that is displayed when the view is opened. The default setting is "Current scenario", which means it will display the scenario the user had selected prior to opening the specific view. If a specific scenario is selected, whenever that view is selected by a user, the app will automatically switch the scenario to the Primary scenario. This helps ensure the intended data is shown.
Scenario Comparisons
The chart automatically adds a comparison line when a comparison is added to the Table in the same view.
Chart Types
See above for steps to change the chart type. Below is an index of all chart types and specific settings, if any.
Basic line chart
The basic line chart displays data with time on the x-axis and values on the y-axis.
Line and column plots can be combined in the same chart. To change between line and column, select the drop-down for a given element:
Basic column chart
The basic column chart displays data with time on the x-axis and values on the y-axis.
Line and column plots can be combined in the same chart. To change between line and column, select the drop-down for a given element:
Horizontal bar chart
The horizontal bar chart displays data with values on the x-axis and time on the y-axis.
Stacked area chart
The stacked area chart displays data with time on the x-axis and values on the y-axis. The data plots are stacked to make up a total.
Stacked column chart
The stacked area chart displays data with time on the x-axis and values on the y-axis. The data plots are stacked to make up a total.
Stacked percentage column
The stacked area chart displays data with time on the x-axis and values on the y-axis. The data plots are stacked to make up a total.
Basic pie chart
The basic pie chart displays data within the selected time frame. If a time range is selected, the chart follows each node's aggregation method, similar to the Table.
Pie chart with drilldown
The pie chart with drilldown displays data within the selected time frame and allows for dynamic drill-down of one level. If a time range is selected, the chart follows each node's aggregation method, similar to the Table.
Column chart with drilldown
The column chart with drilldown displays data within the selected time frame and allows for dynamic drill-down of one level. If a time range is selected, the chart follows each node's aggregation method, similar to the Table.
Waterfall chart
The waterfall chart displays data within the selected time frame along with a dynamic total column. If a time range is selected, the chart follows each node's aggregation method, similar to the Table.
Other chart types
Area spline with actuals
Area range
What's Next?
Learn how to set up a dashboard for a fully visual view.