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Using the Table in a View

How to set up and customize the Table in a View

Carissa Castro avatar
Written by Carissa Castro
Updated over a week ago

This article covers the following topics:

Table Overview

The Table is a key part of a Logica model and is the place where data is edited and viewed.

Table Customization & Tools

At the top of the Table is a header area with a text field for a title and buttons for options to customize the Table in a specific view.

Table Title

To add a title or label to the Table, hover above the main table area and type in the text field.

Table Filters

To apply filters to the data in the table, hover above the main table area in the upper right corner and click on the Filter button.

Table Sorting & Grouping

To apply sorting and grouping to the data in the table, hover above the main table area in the upper right corner and click on the Sorting button.

To add sorting, click on the Sorting & Grouping button in the table header. Click the "+" button to add a level. In the first drop-down, select the column to be sorted, as well as the order.

To add grouping and summary rows, select the checkbox for "Grouping", and then select the type of Summary row. SUM adds up the values within each group, and NET takes the first grouping minus the second grouping.

To save the groups of a given level in a collapsed state, select the checkbox for "Collapse". The levels can still be expanded manually.

To apply formatting to all summary rows in a given level, right click on any summary row and select the desired formatting options.

To apply rounding to all summary rows in a given level, right click on any summary row and select "Advanced Settings". Adjust the formatting and rounding, then click "Update".

To customize the summary row labels, type in the Label field. To use a dynamic label based upon the unique grouping values, include "{Group}".

Table Conditional Formatting

To apply conditional formatting to the data in the table, hover above the main table area in the upper right corner and click on the Conditional Formatting button.

Re-Order and Show/Hide Table Columns

To re-order or show/hide the table columns, hover above the main table area in the upper right corner and click on the Reorder Columns button. To show or hide, toggle the button by the specific column.

Configure View Data

To configure view data, hover above the main table area in the upper right corner and click on the View Data button.

If individual nodes are pinned to the Table, re-order by dragging the node to the new position in the View Data menu.

If components are pinned to the Table, re-order by dragging the entire component to the new relative position in the View Data menu.

If a component is pinned to the Table, the default order of the nodes inside the component follows the order in the canvas. Re-order the nodes by dragging the component parts to the new position from the canvas.

Showing & Hiding Component Parts

To pin or unpin (i.e. to show or hide) component data in a given Table, select the node or component, and click on the button in the right side panel. When an element is pinned, the icon will have a gray background. When unpinned, the icon will have a white background. Unpinning (or hiding) elements in a given view does not delete any data.

Pinned State

Unpinned State

The same nodes or components can be pinned to multiple views. This information is shown in the right side panel for a given element. To navigate to a specific view, click on the view name from the right side panel.

Freezing Columns

To freeze a column in a given Table, right-click on a cell, then select the following:

Change Settings > Column > Freeze

Table Settings Overview

To access additional options in the Table Settings for the current view, click on the gear icon in the top-right of the table view pane.

The Table Settings includes several options for customizing the table in the current view.

Column Settings

Time frame

The Time frame settings include Start and End dates that determine the time range that is visible in the specific view. Adjusting the view time frame does not change or alter any data; it only includes or excludes time columns from being displayed.

Fixed and Relative Start and End Dates

Using fixed start and end dates means the time columns that are visible are fixed, and will not update automatically.

Using relative start and end dates means the time columns that are visible will be updated based on the first scenario's Latest Actual date found in the Scenario Settings.

Display columns

The display columns includes several options for customizing the table columns. The Month, Quarter, Year, QTD, and YTD checkboxes are used to show or hide time columns. When Quarters and Years are shown, values displayed in these columns are determined by the specific aggregation methods set within each node. The Group checkbox shows or hides the parent group for all nodes in the table, and the Name checkbox shows or hides the Name column for all nodes in the table.

Scenario, Comparison, & Variance Settings

Primary scenario

The Primary scenario determines the initial scenario that is displayed when the view is opened. The default setting is "Current scenario", which means it will display the scenario the user had selected prior to opening the specific view. If a specific scenario is selected, whenever that view is selected by a user, the app will automatically switch the scenario to the Primary scenario. This helps ensure the intended data is shown.

Scenario Comparisons

The Compare Against settings are used to create a comparison between one or more scenarios or time periods. To add one or more comparisons, click on the Comparisons button, then click the "+" button in the Comparisons section.

In the example below, the "Forecast" scenario is currently selected, and is displayed in the first column of each time period. The comparison scenario, "Budget", is displayed in the second column.

Time Comparisons

Comparisons can also be made again prior time periods within the same scenario or other scenarios.

Variance Settings

When "Value" is checked, the variance between the values of the compared scenarios or time periods is calculated for all table rows and displayed in a column called "Variance" according to the following formula:

Variance = 2nd Col - 1st Col

When "Percentage" is checked, the % variance is calculated and displayed in a column called "% Variance" according to the following formula:

% Variance = (2nd Col - 1st Col) / Absolute Value (2nd Col)

The default convention for variance sign and coloring is positive variance as green and negative variance as red. Check out this article for more on adjusting variance conventions.

Table Context Menu

The table context menu is used to perform common table actions quickly by right-clicking on the specific table element.

Insert New

This option in the context menu is used to insert a new component clone based on the specific clone selected.

Change Settings

These options are used to further customize specific aspects of the table. The "Node" and "Column" options include several formatting selections, including the following for the row or column:

  • Font Style

  • Font Color

  • Background Color

  • Borders

  • Lock/Unlock

Update Data

The "Follow" option is used to set scenario dependencies. The "Copy From" option is used to copy the values from another scenario.

Delete Selection

This option in the context menu is used to delete a component clone.

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