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Scenario Dependency

Learn about scenario dependencies and how to change and remove

Carissa Castro avatar
Written by Carissa Castro
Updated over a week ago


This article describes the following topics related to scenarios in Logica:

What is an independent vs dependent scenario?

A scenario can be either independent (i.e. all inputs are independent and outputs calculate unique values) or dependent (at least one input that inherits its value from another scenario).

By default, new scenarios are independent when first created, containing a deep copy of the values of the currently selected scenario, without any dependencies.

Dependent Scenarios

There are some cases where it is helpful to sync one or more scenarios for a given input node. For example, in a Best/Worse Case analysis, there may be some key assumptions that are the same across all scenario. Instead of updating the same value multiple times (once per scenario), you can set up the specific input node(s) in one of two ways:

Single Value (Undirected)

When a node is set to have a single value, this means that there is a single value that is used across all scenarios. Changing the value in any scenario affects all other scenarios automatically, including any logically related outputs. This option is considered undirected, because the values can be changed in any scenario, without any directional nature to the input. The single value approach is the recommended way to sync values across all scenarios, as it prevents circular references that can occur when using the directed option.

By default, constant nodes are created with a single value setting enabled, as this is the most commonly used option for constant inputs (i.e. inputs that do not change over time), such as when using constants for Employee Name, Customer Segment, or Product Category.

Inherited Value (Directed)

Using inherited values is the most granular (and complex) way to set up dependencies, and is typically only used in advanced modeling. When a node is set to inherit its value from another scenario, the node value is directionally dependent on the original scenario. In these case, the input node will change color to match the color of the original scenario's name.

Editing of variables from the dependent scenario is not allowed, and an alert will appear if attempted. To edit the original value, switch to the original scenario and then edit the value. To make the variable independent, first remove the dependency and then edit the value in the secondary scenario.

Adding and Removing Dependencies

Using Single Value

To add a dependency and set a node to have a single value across all scenarios:

  1. Right-click on the node from the table or the canvas.

  2. Select "Advanced Settings",

  3. Enable the "Sync scenarios" checkbox.

To remove a dependency and make a node be independent:

  1. Follow steps 1 - 2 above.

  2. Disable the "Sync scenarios" checkbox.

Using Inherited Value

To add a dependency and set a node to inherit its value from another scenario:

  1. Confirm the dependent scenario is selected as the current scenario in the top header.

  2. Click on the specific node and find the Source field in the right side panel.

  3. Select desired origin scenario from the dropdown menu. Setting this field to another scenario will replace (but not delete) the values within that node. Any changes in the origin scenario will automatically update the values in the dependent scenario(s) only.

  4. To change a dependency, follow the steps above to change the Source field to the new scenario.

To remove a dependency and make a node be independent:

  1. Follow steps 1 - 2 above.

  2. Click the "X" to clear the Source field.

Updating dependency settings for multiple nodes

To update dependencies for multiple nodes at once, use the table or the canvas.

  1. From the table, select multiple nodes by holding the Shift key and clicking on the node name or from the canvas, clicking and dragging the mouse.

  2. Right-click on the selection and a context menu will show up.

    1. For Single Values, select "Advanced Settings", and then select the "Sync scenarios" checkbox.

    2. For Inherited Values, select "Change Data Source," and then select the desired scenario. This sets all of the selected nodes' Source fields at once.

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