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Scenario Basics

Learn how to create, rename and reorder scenarios.

Carissa Castro avatar
Written by Carissa Castro
Updated over a week ago


This article describes the following topics related to scenarios in Logica:

What Is a Scenario?

A scenario is a dimension of a Logica model that saves unique input and output values, while still sharing the same logic. This means that any change to the model logic (adding, changing or removing nodes, links, etc. ) updates all scenarios automatically, which saves time and reduces errors.

Scenario Settings

The Scenario Settings contain various options for working with scenarios in a model, such as:

These settings are accessed by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the Scenario dropdown menu.

Independent vs Dependent Scenarios

New scenarios are automatically created as independent scenarios. This means that, for a given scenario, any input change affects the calculated output values for that scenario only. No other scenarios will be changed.

Using independent scenarios is recommended for many use cases, especially when it is important to preserve a given scenario from any further changes. Examples include maintaining an original budget scenario along with rolling forecast scenarios, or when collecting budget inputs from managers. There are also some cases where creating dependencies can streamline the analysis even further, such as in best/worst case analysis. Learn more in this article.

Creating a new scenario

To create a new scenario:

  1. Confirm the current scenario selection located in the top header. The current scenario name is displayed in a drop-down menu. The new scenario will be a copy of the values of the current scenario. In the image below, the current scenario is "Budget".

  2. Open the Scenario Settings located to the right of the scenario name.

  3. Click on "Add Scenario" to create a new scenario. The new scenario will contain a copy of the values of the current scenario. In this example, the new scenario will contain a copy of the values from the "Budget" scenario.

Renaming scenarios

To change the name of a scenario, click on the name field and then type in the new name.

Reordering scenarios

The order of the scenarios can be changed by clicking and holding the dots to the left of the scenario name and then dragging the scenario to the desired position. This will change the order the scenarios are listed in the dropdown menu located next to the scenario name in the top header.

Deleting scenarios

To a scenario, click on "X" to the right of the scenario, then click "OK". Deleting a scenario is permanent, and cannot be undone.

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